New Ex-JW support group in SF Bay Area

by Snowball 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • Snowball

    I am pleased to anounce a new chapter of the San Francisco Bay Area Support Group for Ex-JWs has been started.

    The [Silicon Valley Ex-JW Support Group] will be holding its first meeting on January 28th, and thereafter every 4th Sunday of the month.

    We are aiming to be accessible to the south and east Bay Area, including San Jose. Our meeting place will be in the Fremont/Milpitas area.

    We desire to provide a safe place for ex-JWs to be able to heal without the judgementalism that we experienced in the Watchtower, so we encourage all attendees to be tolerant and non-condemning of other members or their current lifestyles. Confidentiality is also important for a safe atmosphere. We encourage all to feel free to share what may be working for them as to spirituality or religion, but to please refrain from preaching or proselytizing or pushing ones religious views (or lack thereof) on others.

    The Silicon Valley Ex-JW Support Group is not a religious association, hate group, or therapy group. We aim to provide fellowship, peer support, and open discussion of issues.

    Ex-JWs, questioning JWs, and concerned family members, of all belief systems and lifestyles are welcome to attend in an atmosphere of respect and tolerance.

    If you are interested in attending, please contact me at [email protected] or call (510) 790-8960.


    Wayne Rogers

  • Simon

    Hi Wayne
    Hope it all goes well.
    Let me know if you need an area on the forum for support groups to use!

  • Snowball

    Thanks Simon!

    That is kind of you to offer. I am very new to this forum. What benefits do you think there would be in having a seperate section for support groups?

    Wayne Rogers

  • Simon

    er...I dunno really...just somewhere for people to go to discuss and organise things. I guess the whole forum is kind of support for people who can't make it in person.
    I know I would probably never make it in person (not very comfortable socially) but getting to know people more anonymously would help a bit.

  • Snowball

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