The painful truth that bought the Watchtower walls crumbling down for me, was not due to to the realisation that the techings were all lies but
the realisation that many of the elders in the congregation were only interested in their social position and power.
This started and a suspician and gradually became more insistent and finally the realisation that most of the body of elders couldnt care less about the doctrine.
I then observed that many of the more zelouse brothers in the congregation cared more for the security of belonging to the congregation than if they were teaching truth.
This coupled with the fact that 50% of the congregation were simply going through the motions and had know enthusiasm for preashing the "Good News"made me question the teachings.
I have been amazed that I havnt been disfellowshiped as I confronted some elders and brothers in a forceful way and the conversations proved my thinking was correct.
I then simply left the meetings never to return. Whilst Iam more cautiouse in my talking when I meet members of the congregation in the street I always make it clear I do not go to the meetings because I couldnt continue preaching a message I dont believe.
I have felt a responsibility to tell the hypocrites of the damage they are doing to their kids futures so they can continue in there hypocrasy-
I would be very interested in your opinions as why "No Judical action has been taken against me "?
Could it be that they know I know an elder lied in court on a seriouse matter ?
The last time I had any official contact with the congregation was when 2 elders came to see me. I simply told them about the court matter and said in my opinion it was a police matter.I then asked them to leave.(The doorstep)