So I went to vote yesterday...

by teel 4 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • teel

    Guess I'm bird food now, huh? It was quite an impulse vote, didn't really know any of the candidates, but I have a small interrest in not having a government change, so I went with that one. Mostly it was just to show myself that I can

    However even as I'm keeping myself away from the WT washing machine, I still try to make moral choices, to avoid the pitfall ofdoing something just because the WTS tells me not to do it. Even though I accept God as the final authority, and Jesus as the one to whom we must obey, I feel it's not a conflict to choose a mortal leader too, imperfect and maybe even immoral as he is. In comparison, say at my workplace the boss puts together a team, and tells us: "You guys know each other well, decide who will be the team leader". I think no JW would object to "voting" with the guy who is the most knowledgable in the workfield. Politics voting is the same, except the scale is much larger.

    That said I am still officially a JW, and would like to keep it that way for the sake of my wife, so I actually looked around me while going in My congo was just at the meeting at that time. I thought about the prospect of "getting caught" and I was thinking in that situation maybe I could get the elders to say that they as religious authorities forbid me to go to voting, all the while secretly taping it. Now that would be quite funny - forbidding to vote is quite a serious offense, with at least a couple of years of imprisonment. I would not actually put them in jail, but a nice little scare would do them good. And maybe a bit of a wake up call for them too, since the first thing they would do is to contact JW legal department, and I'm sure the legal would just brush all responsabilities, and leave the elders on their own.

  • cantleave

    I will be voting for the first time, in the next election. Still haven'y decided for who yet.

  • bohm

    I voted for the first time this year. It was completely different from what ive expected... But it was quite cool to be part of the society!

    Miss Bohm

  • wantingtruth


    are you content or dissapointed by the results ?

  • teel

    As I said I barely knew anything of the candidates Not for WT, but I'm not really the kind of guy who's into politics. The effort it takes to have a well founded decision in these matters seem not worth it to me. Maybe when I'm older or something So I would say... content, although when I read your question I still wasn't sure who won, had to look it up.


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