Who would like to get out of the JWs?

by Aussie Oz 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    I would actually like to get my lousy stinkin' evil monster ex wife out. Then i'd know the kids would be out too.

    and it would be fun to watch her self righteous life self destruct.

    dang it! i'm normally not full of spite!

    what about you?

    cheers Oz

  • yknot

    I think it is gonna have to be through the kids.......

    What were her 'weaknesses' with the truth?

    I have forgotten if you mentioned in an earlier post......but is she born, raised or converted?

    I would love to see my entire congregation 'awakened'.........especially those who were the most ugly to me.......but not out of spite, rather to release them from the bindings that make them so desperate, cranky and self-deluded.

  • jonathan dough
    jonathan dough

    Can she read? If so, have her read this and dare to to keep going to the hall.



    I would actually like to get my lousy stinkin' evil monster ex wife out.

    .................... ...OUTLAW

  • cantleave

    I would like to get my wife's family out out, I love them to bits.

    My family NO............ My mum can rot in the org until she dies!!!! My brother is self righteous A-hole, who enjoys inflicting dispair on all so he can stay in too. I hope his kids see through it all though, they shouldn't be subjected to this crap for the rest of their lives. Poor sods don't have TV, were reading the Bible by the time they were 3 or 4, were living in almost commune isolation with the only social interaction from the KH until quite recently. My SIL forced my brother to move from the middle of nowhere to a more populated area so the kids could have a bit more of normal life. But she is a piosneer and nearly as bad as he is.

    I have some friends and collegues who I would like to see the truth behind the troof. I am working on one who already has some doubts, got to careful though his Dad is the city overseer.

  • Marni Mai
    Marni Mai

    My husband definately. My dad hopefully but I can't see that coming. My mum and siblings can take their self righteous attitudes and stay there. It seems to make them happy, being all fanatic and self righteous and spiteful.

    Haha cantleave your brother sounds just like one of mine. Got 3 kids, home schooled, no social interaction with even other jws, always moving around to lonely country towns/pacific islands, told that the rest of the jw family are bad and not even allowed to see their cousins. They are like little anorexic jw robots (they don't get fed properly either as he has some weird ideas about food). He can never quite make elder though, no matter how hard he wants it lol.

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    geez, some real gems out there! even some other monsters! I dont think these type of people would actually be tolerated in normal society.

    Yknot: She is born in, 3rd generation. biggest weakness as i remember it, inability to forgive.

    Johnathon: thankyou for the link. Unfortunatly, she avoids me like the plague so no go on getting her to read anything i would suggest!


  • JAFO

    Hi bro.. I'd like to get mum out.. but as our sis has pointed out, she's had enough pain in her life.. she doesn't need any more at this stage.

    I would actually like to get my lousy stinkin' evil monster ex wife out. Then i'd know the kids would be out too.
    and it would be fun to watch her self righteous life self destruct.

    <evil mode on>

    Do you reckon we could somehow get her to commit some terrible sin that would get her tossed out? Get some young stud to do such a good seduction number on her that she dumps her hubby maybe?

    <evil mode off>

    Aussie, you have a PM

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