When I was a youngin at Bethel in the 70's, a Bethel Elder mentioned to our crew that they were discussing the possibility of ending service reports. He wanted to know our thoughts and how could the Elders and the WTS monitor the preaching work if they changed the service reporting? Would the work go down without the monitoring?
Most of our crew were excited at that thought and gave reasons why they liked it.
"Without forced service, the JW's could serve from the heart and not what others thought they should do"
"It should be between you and JG anyways"
"JG loves a cheerful giver"
One Bro thought it was bad idea, saying the work would suffer terribly, not having people turn in slips.
We had a great discussion over the matter and probably represented the feelings of most of the JW's. The Elder respected all our thoughts. But obviously the GB didn't, because its been 35 years and still no change on their weird and strange practice. Was the GB too afraid to do this, thinking the work would go down?
So, my questions for discussion is....
What if....they discontinued the requirement and said, just do what your heart moves you to do?
What would the 'rank and file' do? Would they be consistent in service or develope other habits, like working on the house, etc..etc..
How about the pioneers? With no requirements hanging over them, how much effort would they put out? Would they continue to work part-time and push themselves to share in service at all times?
What about the MS's and Elders? How could they be monitored that they were setting the right example in the ministry?
And the final poll question......
If the JW's are averaging 8.8 hrs a month now, what would be your guess as to what the real average would be, if they were not forced to share in service by the monitoring program?