JW Friend Contacted Me...

by tall penguin 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • tall penguin
    tall penguin

    This seems to be a big week for me with all things JW-related. I made my reappearance here a few days back after a two year absence. I recently did a podcast interview on my experiences as a JW (I'll post the link on Friday when it is up online) and now I've been contacted out of the blue on Facebook by a gal who was a close friend of mine back in my JW days.

    This JW friend married one of my best male JW friends. Actually, their wedding was the last JW function I attended four years ago before disassociating. So, I get this facebook message from her a few days ago and she wants to meet up for coffee. She's divorced now, been disfellowshipped for a year and is happier than ever. She said she's "making her way back" but that's "another story". I was clear that I'm not a JW nor will ever be one again. She said that's cool, no problem, and she can't wait to see me and talk to someone who's "been there".

    Life is bizarre sometimes. Fact is so much stranger than fiction. I wonder what's going to happen next.

    tall penguin

  • dissed

    My wife met her best friend from high scool on Facebook recently after 30 years of seperation. WT caused of course.

    They share regularly and still after all these years have much in common.

    Thanksgiving we visited Calif and they arranged to have lunch in Laguna Beach. They talked for hours and plan more happenings.

    Old friends, with no WTS hang ups anymore, has made for a good reunion and a renewel for good friends.

    I hope it will be the same for you.

  • tall penguin
    tall penguin

    Thanks dissed. I'm really looking forward to seeing this friend. That bond is still strong, no matter how much time passes.

  • arwen

    Hi Tall, Hope the reunion goes well. You might just be her road "out" for good.. I think you should write a book. You have a very interesting life and are such a wonderful gifted writer.. x0.... Dont be a stranger to the board.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    TP, Hojovah is blessing your efforts.

  • Gayle

    That was so awesome! We have to remember the good ones there and hope somehow they can keep growing and can set themselves free some day and then hopefully we can somehow make a contact with them again.

  • tall penguin
    tall penguin

    "I think you should write a book. You have a very interesting life and are such a wonderful gifted writer."

    Thanks Arwen. I'm definitely working on it.

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