All This Real Estate Development-What Do They Have Up Their Sleeve?

by WalkTall 3 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • WalkTall

    I really can't understand what's going on. Someone mentioned on another thread there is expansion going on at the Wallkill Farm. The WT has recently bought 2 new large over 200 acres parcels for development of residence and factory buildings. Why? Everyone says it is because they are exiting Brooklyn. But I always thought that was what Patterson was supposed to be for. They are moving the printing of the magazines off to Canada. And the branch facilities in other countries do a lot of their own printing now. Not to mention all the layoffs resulting in decreased personnel. Do they really need all this real estate in the US for administration and to print a few books and Bibles?

    I just keep thinking they have something up their sleeve, but I haven't a clue what. Anyone else have any ideas?

  • leavingwt

    If you think of the entire situation in terms of a Printing Corporation, it will be much easier to understand these recent moves.

    They are simply evolving, in order to survive. They are using their $$$ more wisely. Real estate and construction in NYC are both ridiculously high. (It would also be safe to assume that leadership wasn't very comfortable with the WTC disaster happening less than two miles away.)

    Patterson is filled to capacity, and so is Wallkill.

  • sd-7

    Hmm. Fewer personnel means less space needed for living quarters. Logically, then, those who still live there will have more space. Tearing down old storehouses and building new ones, anyone?

    I was also wondering if one day they would ask a bunch of us to come live with them, to be closer to God. No more antennas required to pick up his channel--it's right there, walking among us. Perhaps not...

    Got me. No idea what the plan is. Maybe a Bethel heavy or three has heard something.


  • yknot


    The improvements to the Farm could make it more attractive to sell to a private/boarding/prep school looking for a bigger campus.

    It could also house more visitors should they move to make facility tours the 'true Christian' vacation........trips to little Meccas if you will.

    Perhaps we should all consider the Mormon structure...........imagine if they decided to create a position between Gilead and Special Pioneer that like the Mormons serve for two years in service where the need is greater.......but the privilege is only to those who are sponsored by their congregations so there is little out of pocket expense directly to the WTS. The preaching stint could be used as a requirement to get into Bethel, Gilead, MTS etc......this all would hark to attempting a 'Knorr' but of course a 'Knorr' could have never happened unless a 'Rutherford reworking' happened

    Anyone heard what the Warwick property plans were for.........

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