I mean somebody had to do it. I guess if someone called me Judas I'd take it as a compliment.
Was Judas the good guy?
by dudeson 9 Replies latest watchtower bible
I agree. Why would people hate the guy who facilitated the "sacrifice of jesus that freed everyone of sin"?
Like you said... someone had to do it.
I read this a while ago, thought it may be of interest to the topic
Judas is one story that is just not told right by most churches... but an important lesson is learned here- keep your friends close and your enemies closer!
Anybody seen the movie, The Last Temptation of Christ?
The story of Judas really bothered me as a JW child.
He was an apostle, chosen by Jesus, yet Jesus foretold his "denial" of him. Well, what does that mean exactly? That he was not fit to be an apostle? That he did NOT have free will because Jesus told him his own future actions? Or perhaps he was indeed being used and fulfilling a role in that scenario. The fact that he could not take the horror and the sorrow (and he took his own life afterwards) just adds to the sadness and the pain of the entire affair.
If this tale is to be believed at all, I think the Gnostic scroll tells it much more conceivably.
After reading the article lillith posted I'd have to say this quote sums my feelings up exactly: "The point, however, is that the entire character of "Judas Iscariot" is generated out of whole cloth and it is meant to be."
Same is true for Satan.
You can't play out the story without all the actors.
VoidEater: That's pretty much what everything boils down to.
Take a look at the apocryphal "Gospel of Judas", likely written in the 2nd century AD. The whole idea of the book is that Judas was the only one of the 12 apostles who really understood why Jesus came and what had to be done, and his "betrayal" was really not betrayal at all, but obedience to Jesus.