Ziddina: good question. as I was never a baptised jw over the last 40 years and have had limited contact with them outside of working the streets etc. in the last 12 years. I would say I know one old time elder that left after years talking to him . but i can't take credit, and i know about 90% of the kids i went to the hall with 40 years ago are no longer jw's . but again I take no credit. i know an other P.O. that I have had years of arguements with that stopped being an elder and moved to kansas. again I take no credit. I was talking with some bethel elder about 6 years ago for a few months and all he wanted to talk about the the watchtower involvement with the UNITED NATIONS. seemed that the wts being member of the U.N. REALLY PISSED THIS bethelite off. have no idea what happened to him . I can say for sure that some of the old time jw;s I grew up with will not talk to their kids just based in the fact that their kids still talk to me and that their parents lie to them today what was being taught about 1975 and the generation of 1914 when we were kids. did I make any if these kids from my local hall leave NO . but when we talk about old stories about 1975 and how our jw parents now lie about it today it makes family relations worst. as I have heard from the grape vine. again I have no count and from about 10 jw family members only have one today. AND I take no credit. they all left years ago. and i have 6 brother and sisters about 20 cousins, and about 12 neices all indoctronated into the wts. and non of them will ever become jw's or even let my dad preach to them thanks to me. in fact 2 of my brother and one sister are active apostates. taking it to jw's in the streets
Ziddina; wants to know how many jw's I have talked into leaving the wts
by judge rutherFRAUD 3 Replies latest social family
Your are a good egg Judge rutherFRAUD.