is this somthing made up by the WBST? or does it actauly mean somthing?
What does BCE mean?
by highdose 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
B.efore the C.ommon E.ra (BCE).
C.E. is also known as the Christian Era and Current Era. C.E. is a variation of A.D.
It is rare outside the witlesses. BC means before Christ, and AD means in the year of the Lord. BCE and CE are more technically correct, but BC and AD are more common usage.
Jews, of course, use the abbreviation BCE.
I thought BCE applied to the WBTS, and stood for Bulls**t Covers Everything.
I thought BCE applied to the WBTS, and stood for Bulls**t Covers Everything.
Wobble, you are cracking me up this morning!
I think the witnesses use it more out of accuracy. The more common BC (Before Christ) and AD (Anno Domini -- The Year of our Lord) was used when it was thought that Jesus was born in 1 AD (no year 0). However, as research placed his birth year somewhere around 4 BC (I've also read somewhere stating 8 BC or 12 BC) the meaning of BC and AD becomes less accurate.
It's no biggie to most people so that is why you don't see BCE and CE but for people who are concerned about accuracy, BCE and CE are better choices. Personally, I use them interchangeably.
During the Communist regime most reference works published in the Central and Eastern part of Europe consistently used BCE and CE when refering to dates. Since the abolition of Communism, most Romanian authors suddenly started to be proud of their Orthodox Christian religion and began using BC and AD.
It's standard now in academia. Some professional journals require articles to have BCE/CE.