I went to lunch today with my mom and husband. We started talking about religion. I'm not going to go into everything we talk about but I told my mom that I found other religions that taught some of the same things the witnesses did and that they also preach like the witnesses. She seemed surprised but said that because the witnesses have had the growth they had, that that was fulfilling bible prophecy and proof that they have God's spirit. I told her that these same religions had their start around the same time the witnesses did and they have also experienced similar growth. Then my mom says that might be true but they also have a lot of people who leave their religion. I told her that a lot of witnesses also leave this religion. I think that freaked her out a little because she just gave me a blank stare. None of this is new to my husband so he notices her reaction and continues the discussion. He admitted to my mom that the truth is in the bible and not with one religion and he thinks that God's spirit is with not only the witnesses but also with a few others. But he still thinks that the witnesses are more advanced in knowledge than any of the others that also have God's spirit. I told my mom that I didn't think it was right for the society to say that in order to survive armageddon you have to be associated with this organization. So a few minutes ago she called me and told me to read an article in the 11/1/08 w. It says that even though witnesses feel they have the only true religion, that it is not their job to judge who will be saved, only God can. I need to find another article, hopefully one that is newer that 11/1/08 w, that says you do have to be associated with this religion to survive armageddon. Since the 09 articles are not on the library cd and I threw away most of this year's magazines, can anyone help me out?
I need help finding a 2009 article.
by doublelife 9 Replies latest jw friends
Wish I could help you on that article, but I'm not sure there is a later one. It is easy to prove them wrong on 607. With one scripture at 2Kings 25:8-9. WTS says 624 for King Neb. 1st year. Take 18 more years away from 624=606. They can't have 1914 OR say Jerusalem lay desolated for 70 years without 607. Jeremiah 52: 12-13 also says it was King Neb. 19th year when Jerusalem was desolated. Watchtower, Dec. 1,1991 says, "A religion that teaches lies can not be true."
Black Sheep
I told my mom that I didn't think it was right for the society to say that in order to survive armageddon you have to be associated with this organization.
Make sure that anything she shows you does actually contradict this statement.
I haven't read the article, but from what you said..... I doesn't. What is the page number?
Insist on her showing you an article that does truly contradict it.
JWs usually try to divert the question. Watch out for that and don't let her get away with it.
Black Sheep
I would say the Jan 2010 WT would probably do the trick for you.
I haven't read it all, but it is on that subject. Ask her for a copy.
If it doesn't actually come out and say that Jebooboo is going to kill non JWs, it is implied and you can establish that by asking appropriate questions.
The same is true for the article she quoted you.
God’s Word reveals that those who would be saved must not only want salvation but also cooperate with the Savior. To illustrate: Suppose that a hiker becomes lost in a wilderness. He desperately wants to find his way out. Will he perish, or will he survive? The outcome depends on the way he responds to help. Out of pride, he may refuse the help of a rescuer, or savior. On the other hand, he could humbly accept help and reach safety.
In a similar way, salvation belongs to those who cooperate with mankind’s Rescuer, Jehovah God. Salvation is a gift from God, yet not all people will attain it. God’s Son, Jesus, said: “Not everyone saying to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter into the kingdom of the heavens, but the one doing the will of my Father who is in the heavens will.”—Matthew 7:21.Ask: Is an Anglican/Catholic/Muslim/Hindu cooperating with mankind’s Rescuer, Jehovah God? Does salvation belong to them according to this paragraph? Does this paragraph contradict your statement? Does it support it?
Do you get the idea?
Good point, Black Sheep. I like those questions. It shows that that sentence you put in bold contradicts the opening paragraph to that article. They can't have it both ways.
Black Sheep
Be careful. Read the paragraph carefully. What is said in that paragraph is not contradicted at all.... and it does not say that only JWs will be saved, or that others will be saved, only that it is not their job to judge.
Jehovah’s Witnesses think that they have found the true religion. If they did not think so, they would change their beliefs. Like adherents of many religious faiths, Jehovah’s Witnesses hope to be saved. However, they also believe that it is not their job to judge who will be saved. Ultimately, God is the Judge. He decides.—Isaiah 33:22.
Black Sheep
Go to http://www.jw.org/
Click on: Downloads
Click on:
Digital Publications
Select the month you want, in this case, January 2010.
As you read it, ask yourself the kinds of questions I showed you.
Once you are satisfied that it doesn't contradict you, and does contradict your mom, you have proof of your statement right from the WT's own magazine, published by them, on the internet, for all the world to see.
So wt material from 2008 is now considered old news (light)?
My mom had me read an article from 11/08 to prove her point. So any article that came out before that, she would say that it was old light. That's why I wanted an article that came out after 11/08.
The Watchtower paragraph isn't directly stating you have to be part of The Society to be saved but by using the term "mankinds rescuer, Jehovah God" the implication is there. And we all know that the dubs reading this material will make that connection.