Upon talking to an old friend & (card carrying Dub) awhile back,he unwittingly inserted a shoe into hiz gaping orafice.
Although, this person & hiz family are straining under the heavy yolk of the Borg, he insisted that the WT waz not a false prophet, but just made a mistake,az all humans do. The example he cited waz the (old Moses one), thus setting the trap on himself. He said," Moses waz a prophet & he made a mistake & although God corrected him & he waz punished, he waz still a prophet of Jehovah."
Well, we all know the account he waz refering to, when Moses gave into the crowd clammering for water by commanding the water to come out of the rocks, but didn't give the credit to God.
I asked him, "Did God make the miracle happen anyway?", he of course, answered, "yes!" (the trap now being set). I replied, "So,if the WT iz spirit dirrected & a prophet like Moses, then would it not follow, that God would make their prophecies come (right or wrong) like Moses?" The silence waz deafining, he had no answer & could only mutter & try to change the topic.
I realize this iz very basic to a lot you & iz nothing new, but I wanted to share it anyway. By the way, he remains elusive.