Prior to my fade I grew a goatee and, as was expected, most of the folks at the Hall threw a fit. But then one brother asked me something. He said "is it worse for you to let something grow on your face that would do so naturally if it were not for shaving it, or would it be worse for a printing corporation to alter the historical Jesus by portraying him in countless instances as a beardless fellow in order to promote their view of what a 'good Witness' should look like?" When you look at the little things they'll pick on an individual for and the bigger things they'll let slide for their own sake it is pretty aggravating.
Who has committed the greatest sin...?
by Cthulhu 6 Replies latest jw friends
I remember wearing a really short mini skirt just before I left.
I knew I hated the religion and I wanted to make a point, but I wasn't brave enough to wear it to the KH so I wore it to a Sign Language lesson instead at which I knew 3 or 4 bro's and sisters would be there.
At the next meeting, the MS who was in the lesson, came up to me and said: "Sarah can I have a word. It's about your choice of dress on Tuesday night at BSL class. Now I know the world may be taking it's toll on you but you mustn't let little things like short skirts lead you away, it's very dangerous and can lead to other, more serious, things."
At the next meeting, the MS who was in the lesson, came up to me and said: "Sarah can I have a word. It's about your choice of dress on Tuesday night at BSL class. Now I know the world may be taking it's toll on you but you mustn't let little things like short skirts lead you away, it's very dangerous and can lead to other, more serious, things."
Pictures or video, or it never happened.
PS what do you mean lol. I wish I did record all the shitty things they used to tell me off for but alas, no :P
What about the hounders having to produce a video or photo of the "inappropriate" dress before accusing you?
As I see it, anyone that deliberately misrepresents Jesus, solely so they can control others' behavior based on the example, is worse than anyone that doesn't follow the example. You hold Jesus as the highest example. Jesus originally had facial hair (Jews did in those days, and Jesus was a Jew). But, you now portray him as definitively having none (a lie), so you can tell the flock that it is not acceptable for them, either (another lie).
I questioned the org's authority and legitimacy.
There is no such thing as sin. Free will allows you to do what you want. Grow a beard for example. Exception, no free will in the Watchtower.