Praying for holy spirit

by JWinprotest 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • JWinprotest

    Since I'm in a complaining mood, I'll just throw one more in there.

    One of the brothers praying at my circuit assembly said, "Jehovah may your holy spirit continue to operate on the faithful and discreet slave."

    I thought, what a stupid thing to pray for. If these guys are already ordained by god, why would we have to pray to god to ask him to continue supplying them with holy spirit, by their standard these guys should never lose it.

    Alright, that's it for today.

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    Just another subliminal implanting of the GB in the Jw subconscious. Link jehovah, holy spirit and Governing body all in one tight neat little sentance


  • moshe

    And will all the F&DS please stand up? Hello-oo, where are you?


    In Watchtower World..

    You need to constantly Refill your WBT$ Holy Spirit tank..

    The good news is..You can Pay at the Pump

    A petrol station worker pumps gas into a vehicle in Manila. Thousands of commuters were stranded in the early morning rush hour in the Philippines as transport unions launched a nationwide strike to protest rising pump prices(AFP/File/Jay Directo)

    ..................... ...OUTLAW

  • straightshooter

    Yes the JWs always want more holy spirit even if you think they have it.

  • choosing life
    choosing life

    I always thought asking for an "extra portion" of holy spirit was funny. Sounds like they want seconds on mashed potatoes.

  • Walkin

    They admitted in print tht thye have no more holy spirit than the average witness.

  • blondie

    *** w96 6/15 p. 31 Questions From Readers ***


    Watchtower of April 15, 1952, observed:

    "The ‘other sheep’ today perform the same preaching work as the remnant, under the same trying conditions, and manifest the same faithfulness and integrity. They feed at the same spiritual table, eating the same food, absorbing the same truths. Being of the earthly class, with earthly hopes and a keen interest in earthly things, they might interest themselves more in scriptures relating to earthly conditions in the new world; whereas the anointed remnant, with heavenly hopes and strong personal interest in the things of the spirit, might study more diligently those things in God’s Word. . . . Yet the fact remains that the same truths and the same understanding are available to both classes, and it is just how the individuals apply themselves in study that determines the comprehension of heavenly and earthly things they acquire. The Lord’s spirit is available in equal portions to both classes, and knowledge and understanding are offered equally to both, with equal opportunities for absorbing it."


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