No, I didn't mean sisters. Seriously - two or three things made me think about it:
First, recent threads made it clear that several here have seen people get DFd, re-instated, and eventually become Elders.
Second, a thread about the child molester issue showed a WT of around 1997 IIRC which stated that former molesters could NEVER be given congregational priviledges. Is that still true, or just a public posture?
Third, as best I remember, back before Elders - when I was an assistant congregation servant and attended the old overseer school, I could have bet you money that we were told that a DFd and reinstated person could never be a servant in the congregation. When did this change? Could it have been at the time that the new light on disfellowshipped people got stated in around 1980 or so?
Is there really a policy on the above?