i understand it but at the same time i dont understand it because i was born and raised a JW so i was always in their mindset. but how does someone who comes from the world and joins the org justify going against every natural instict they have? i mean its just unnatural to turn against your own flesh and blood. its unnatural to have a best friend for 10, 20, 30, years or more and then cut them off from your life forever because they commit some kind of "sin". as witnesses, they say 'we are all imperfect and fall short of the mark' but if you fall short of the mark you are thrown away like trash. i've never brought anyone into the truth so i cant understand the thinking of someone who joins as an adult. how do you justify in your mind turning into this kind of person? i just dont get it. i mean dont you question these rules at first? and are the answers they give really enough to satisfy you and make you start behaving in such an unnatural way? i know its easy for me to say this now, but i dont think i would ever have become a witness as an adult. just a few scriptures in the bible are supposed to make me treat other human beings like shit? i dont think so.
You will know the truth and the truth will set you free.