2010 Examining the scriptures daily

by bobld 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • bobld

    Foreword: "Secular education is shortsighted.True a good education is a basic need,it can be the difference between deing able to provide for your family or not.Benefits of secular education is limited.Education CANNOT GUARANTEE LIFE" Just some wise council for the GB/FDS of the WBTS.

    "There is a type of education that can benefit us eternally.(study God's word and the wbts, wt/a, publications) will GUARANTEE LIFE (BS).Divine education helps us to pursue what is good and avoid what is bad." I know many good educated people who do good and avoid bad.Also I know many who lack a good education who do good things AND do bad things.Education has NOTHING to do with being good or bad(Look out Santa Clus knows)

    Why knock education,look at yourselves(GB/FDS) in the mirror.You make good use of well educated people.ie Doctors,Lawyers oh yeah you got the best educated ones in your HQ and/or source the best ones.What about the latest technology on BLOOD fractions that you made use of the corrupt the scriptures.If you hate education so much,why don't you live like the Amish.Go back to horse and buggy days.Why do you fly in jet planes today,did some divine educated person invent them along all the modern day IT that you make use of and update to the latest as something new comes along.


  • WTWizard

    Secular education might just open people's eyes to the scam of the witlesses. Give people an education that allows them to think instead of blindly obeying the government dictates, and they will realize that the whole of religion is nothing more than a scam. Once they realize religion is a scam, they are not going to fall for the Washtowel scam either--which is nothing more than a scam within a scam.

  • nugget

    The benefits of limiting education opportunities is that you make people less likely to question dictates or information provided by the organisation. Secular eduction teaches you to question what you are told, talks about the importance of context and shows you how to do research. If more people were so armed then the cracks would show.

    It is sad. By limiting education you limit opportunities and leave the congregation as the only outlet for ambition.

    This is the way it works and has worked for decades.

  • dozy

    If accurately quoted , this is something of a "change of thought" from the WTS. The thought always was that everlasting life couldn't be guaranteed , particularly on the basis of knowledge.

    wt 71 5/1 p.287 Do You Remember?

    Will a fine knowledge of the Bible help one toward everlasting life? Will such knowledge guarantee life?

    It will help one toward life because the mind can assist the heart in the right way. But knowledge alone does not guarantee life, for the “sources of life” are not out of the head but out of the heart.—Pp. 137, 138, 146.

  • NotBlind

    Yeah, I noticed that in the Foreword, too. It quite ticked me off, too.

    As usual, they save their anti-education rants for internal publications, like OKM or the new internal 'study' Watchtower. I'm halfway surprised they didn't compose a special anti-education song for the new songbook.

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