Song titles in the new song book

by kurtbethel 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • kurtbethel

    I have not seen the new song book yet, since I have not managed to ever set foot in a kingdom hall, and I got to wondering about them. It seems that JWs have this need to speak in secret code so that they stand apart from Christians, and I was thinking it might find its way into the song book. So I was wondering what the song titles would be like. I came up with a few titles which would likely makes sense if you ever saw a Christian hymnal and knew the secret JW code words as well.

    So, on with the titles:

    Onward Great Crowd Neutral Persons

    When the Anointed Go Marching In

    The Old Rugged Torture Stake

    We Three Bethelites

    Amazing Undeserved Kindness

    Bringing in the Studies

    Great is thy Meeting Attendance

    O Come, All Ye Pioneers

    He's Got the Whole Paradise Earth in His Hands

    Hark! the Herald 144,000 Sing

  • mickahia
  • fokyc


    Here is a link to the titles:

    None of your suggestions appear to be there

    Sorry, I can't understand why not!


  • fokyc

    Double post, my finger stuttered


  • The Scotsman
    The Scotsman

    Some of my personal favourites from the new song book are

    Failed Prophecy – we did it again.

    Clap your hands its Armageddon.

    Knock Knock – guess who’s there?

    Smile – destruction is near.

    Stay awake - at the convention.

    Judicial committees – feel the love.

    The ministry – it’s better than walking the streets.

    Satan does not like Jehovah’s Witnesses.

    Internet – evil at your fingertips.

    The world outside will kill you.

    The bread and wine is not for you.

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