Does the WBST discount jesus sacrifice?

by highdose 5 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • highdose

    the WBST seem to have their wires crossed about this one... On the one hand they say that Jesus died for all our sins etc. and then on the other says that we have to strive constantly to be perfect or we won't be saved... but Jesus died so that we could be saved didn't he?

    This is somthing i never could get my head around...

  • God_Delusion

    I'll make this easy for you;

    Jesus Christ never existed....

  • highdose

    yes i know GD, my point is, its like saying " i'm giving you a free gift but you have to work hard and pay for it"

    I mean they bang on about undeserved kindness etc, yet their teachings put together on this one don't make sense

  • WTWizard

    More like discarding it. Even the Bible points out that Jesus' sacrifice was "a perfect sacrifice, to which nothing ever need be added". Then the washtowel harps on us needing to sacrifice ourselves, and offer the fruitages of the lips (sure sounds like something is being added here). We need to cultivate a self sacrificing spirit, despite that Jesus' sacrifice was supposed to be "a perfect sacrifice, to which NOTHING ever need be added". To me, that totally defeats the purpose of even having a sacrifice that is supposed to be perfect--along with the sacrifices offered before Jesus.

    And that assessment doesn't even account for that, why the need for the sacrifice in the first place?

  • leavingwt

    One of the best essays that I've read on this topic is here:

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    God_Delusion, you may not believe Jesus was who the Bible says he was but to say that he never existed is a completely ignorant statement unsupported by the great majority of scholars.

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