I know this YouTube has beed posted before...But It's one of my favorites. So here it is again!!!

by lisavegas420 2 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • lisavegas420


  • maninthemiddle

    wow, mail the letters, but deliver the news in person and didn't even bring the letter with them?????

    that's a unique playbook they use.

  • glenster

    I never became one of the baptized JWs going door to door, but I had some at
    my house for a couple of years and liked them. But I also had a regular habit
    of going to the library, so I checked out the material on the 12 or so stances
    of the JWs leaders' claims of exclusiveness, and I immediately started seeing
    the evidence was against it. I didn't tell the others for a while because I
    liked them--I thought they might not come around anymore. But when the Xeroxes
    and books got to be a minor seminary library, I decided to try to tell them.

    I guess I'd seen certain ones so often that they had me see a new guy, whom I
    also liked. But when I gave him a Xerox of Tertullian's Apology 21, the guy
    argued for 20 min. that it showed Tertullian taught a created Jesus like the
    "Should You Believe in the Trinity?" tract left an impression about. I thought
    he popped a membrane. It ended with him calling me an "enemy" that couldn't
    talk to him anymore--I ought to see the others again.

    There was a later get together and I showed more such things--Franz' book
    regarding 607 BC and the evidence, including any encyclopedia, showing other-
    wise, a book of all the reference sources quoted by the Trinity tract showing it
    quote-mined and misrepresented the sources as supportive or were sources that
    were chosen with circular logic, etc. I was hoping for a reaction like, "Well,
    that's interesting--I'll have to research that" or such. The leader of the talk
    wouldn't look at the books and insisted, "I know those leaders wouldn't lie to

    I explained some of my disagreement with the JWs leaders' stance that the
    Bible forbids the medical use of blood, and the fellow took the stance that it's
    an absolute like "abstain from...idols." I tried to explain that that's not
    even the JWs leaders' stance--that their stance has it that you only abstain
    from food offered to idols near idolatrous use of them, and you can use minor
    fractions of blood because they're likewise not "near" being whole blood, and
    that JWs can eat about half of animal blood--a total ban of eating it would be
    more like koshering. But he wouldn't budge.

    I got a reaction something like the one in the video. There's such a thing
    as faith in a possible God, but this was faith in something known to be wrong.
    It was likewise weird, like watching a jury render judgment when only one side
    had given their case while I knew the other side had the goods but the jury
    wouldn't look at it.

    So they stopped coming around because I didn't think Tertullian was an Arian
    and I'm not Jewish.

    I later found out about the JWs leaders using harsh shunning rules, notably
    for persistent disagreement with any of their special rules. I realized the
    followers acted weird because they didn't want to be shunned by their friends
    and family, a situation contrived by the JWs leaders to cover their butts
    regarding a contrived claim to exclusiveness--someone that's on to them wouldn't
    be around to tell much of what they found to the rest of the customers.


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