Judge for yourself
It seems the holocust is a hoax. Then the WTS is accomplice in the lie too.
by mickahia 9 Replies latest social current
It is not a hoax, you should be ashamed of yourself.
Michahia, I did not get that the holocaust is a hoax from the article. What are you referring to?
The holocaust was not a hoax millions died and to deny it happened is lunacy.
I scanned through the article. A waste of time and bandwidth.
Stupid. Totally stupid.
I think someone should close this offensive thread down.
I read the summation but didn't get the same thing from it you did. Remember these are court room argumants to try to keep someone from jail.
The evidence still remains across Poland and Europe of towns and villages where Jews once lived and where they can no longer be found. Families dissappeared far too many to be the result of typhus or deprivation as suggested.
When the army walked into the concentration camps at the end of the war the gassing had already stopped the bodies were indeed those who died of typhus and starvation. The gassed individuals were already cremated.
Who suggested the crematoria rang on coal or coke? There are other fuels such as gas. It is also possible that people who unloaded such fuels were dead. I agree that to shift the fuel needed by hand was a mammoth task but I also know that the Nazis had no problem utilising Jews as slave labour. I can fully accept the scenario of Jews being used in this way.
We have papers, letters, photographs and confessions which all build a picture of what happened.
We have eye witness testimony. We have physical evidence.
The trial was more about the mans right to hold extreme views and express them rather than whether the views were factually correct or not.
Having jewish heritage and knowing peope from the camps I have no reason to doubt the Holocaust only mourn those that were lost.
I know people who where in the camps. To deny the holocaust is lunacy and a poor attempt at revisionist history.
keyser soze
I find it disturbing that you think this 'evidence' is somehow compelling enough to offset the testimony of countless thousands of survivors.
It's equally disturbing that you would use people's disdain for the WTS to lend more credence to your belief that the holocaust never happened. In other words, "The WTS has lied about so much, they must be lying about that, too."
Out of respect for the survivors, this thread should be deleted.