Article That Husbands/Wives Should Not Touch During Public Prayer

by Justitia Themis 9 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Justitia Themis
    Justitia Themis

    Hello everyone:

    I am experiencing difficulties finding a older thread. It was the one that posted the PDF of an article that said that husbands and wives should not touch during prayer at the KH.

    If possible, would someone please post a link to that thread?



  • cantleave

    The article is in the 15 November WT.

  • Open mind
  • Justitia Themis
    Justitia Themis

    Thank you! I will pass this on to a co-worker who is concerned about her friend is studying with JWs.

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    How about the QFR in the February 15, 2010 Watchtower that says people who aren't married to each other should avoid being "unexpectedly" alone together, even "momentarily"?

    I'll look for it.


  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Here ya go.

    Page 23, paragraph 3.

    JWs can't control their sex-crazed hormones even "momentarily".


  • Gregor

    Like when the elevator door closes on you and sister Shakey Puddin' who are now alone for the 15 seconds it takes to get to the next floor.

    "Oh, my God! The door opened and there was Brother Woody and Sister Puddin, with their drawers around their ankles and semen all over the place!"

  • thetrueone

    I saw a witness couple locked in inter-course during a assembly prayer !

    Just kidding, but really why would they put a stop to this since it might actually show that love could be found within the organization.

    But then again since most single adults have a difficult time finding appropriate mates within this religion, this

    might actually create inner jealousy within the singles and may even stir up sexual tension.

    if you want to see and observe a large group of sexually up tight and tense people go to an assembly and look around.

  • foolsparadise

    So what if u cant afford the rent bcuz o the economy and you are straight and another person of the same sex moves in with u? People might think ur now a gay homo!! U cant win.

    Its ok to have a roomie of the same sex........cuz they think no way ull bone. But its not ok to have a roomie of the opposite sex? Quite makin rulez fools, the world is made up of MALE and FEMALES!!!!!!!!!! U can room with whoever u want!!

  • Farkel

    The thought police are busy tonight!

    Heh, heh.


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