Disturbing poem by a JW

by african GB Member 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • african GB Member
    african GB Member

    Written by a 15 year old sister........

    The rain pelts down, yet makes no sound

    As out the door they go.

    As they desert Jehovah's house,

    And ally themselves with his foe.

    They aren't the first, nor are they the last,

    To go and choose this path.

    The Devil grins as they stand by his side,

    Then he throws back his head and he laughs.

    'I've won, oh great Jah!' He cackles with glee,

    'Your 'faithful good' servants are now serving me!

    I know that you thought they'd stay strong to the end,

    That you, their Creator, was truly their friend,

    But they've lost their fine focus, lost sight of their prize,

    And my wicked system has been their demise!

    Your care and your patience, your love has all failed,

    As for me, I have won, I've triumphed, prevailed!'

    But Jehovah looks toward him and calmly replies,

    'You're right, evil serpent, this is good in your eyes.

    There's one thing, however, you seem to have missed,

    And that thing, foolish Satan, that thing is just this:

    In all of my servants I see something fine,

    It helps draw them to me and makes their hearts mine.

    And though, for the moment, you've clouded their sight,

    In their hearts they all know that my way is still right.

    So though they may wander in this system of yours,

    Know, I am Jehovah, I won't bar my doors.

    When they've discovered they've reaped what they've sown,

    I'll take back my lost lambs and make them my own.

    So laugh, oh doomed ruler, while you still have the time,

    I'll have them back and they'll be in their prime.

    I will not give up 'till you've come to great harm, and

    All of my children are safe in my arms

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  • LucyA


  • cantleave

    What a load of BS.

  • cantleave

    Lets see where this 15 year old sister is in 15 years time.

  • creativhoney

    seems to me that Satan wins a bit too easily.. what does that tell you?

    and whats all that about reaping what they sow?


    new thread!

  • african GB Member
    african GB Member

    And though, for the moment, you've clouded their sight,

    In their hearts they all know that my way is still right.

    How true! for some ex-JWs.

  • changeling

    I would answer with this:


    No one watches my every move.

    No one reads my thoughts.

    No one monitors my dreams.

    No one passes judgment, or keeps tabs.

    My actions don’t get recorded; to be used against me or in my favor.

    I think, and I breathe and I act: alone.

    Alone. Responsible for myself.

    Able to choose based on experience or whim.

    I don’t have to check to see if my choice is the “right” one.

    I can change my mind.

    I can learn and alter my course.

    I’ve no need of confession.

    I’ve no fear of punishment.

    I expect no rewards.

    I have no thoughts of heaven or paradise.

    No fairy tale ending awaits me.

    I live, not for an idealized future, but for today.

    Today I can make someone happy.

    Today I can make choices.

    Today I have a voice.

    I’m truly and completely alone.

    But I’m not lonely.

    I don’t fear the dark or its prince.

    Fear does not rule me.

    I find comfort in my own heart;

    And in the very depths of my mind.

    Places no one can reach, that are private and safe.

    I matter.

    I am human.

    I am perfect in my uniqueness.

    I’ve no unattainable goal to make me feel small.

    I am alone.

    I am free.


  • hamsterbait



  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    A dub of 15, poetic with glee,
    Sat down for a venomous writing spree.
    The rhythm was hacking.
    The rhyming quite lacking.
    Still nothing ever happened in 607 BCE.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    And the girl needs a picture for her poem. I suggest this:


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