
by doublelife 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • doublelife

    My MIL just left. She came over to discuss why I don't want to go to meetings anymore. I didn't go into too much detail but every time I would say something she kept responding with circular reasoning. At the beginning she got very emotional and started crying. I was upset but held it in. I could pick up on the mind control tactics and I wanted to scream it out whenever she did it but I didn't. I stayed calm and at the end I just told her that I've listen to everything she is saying and I'll think about it but it's ultimately my decision. At the end she told me to just wait on Jehovah and in the mean time go to meeting with my husband. She tried to get me to agree to go to the meetings but I wouldn't. I just told her I would think about it. One thing I did bring up was about the pinata and she claimed that she knows for a fact the witnesses don't approve of the pinata. I told her that they did and that I have the watchtower cd and I could show it to her. Just as I thought that I was making my point she said we didn't need to look it up because she knows that's not true. I realized that I couldn't reason with her so I just let her talk and didn't say anything. It made me mad when she accused me of not sticking with my vow that I made when I was baptized. She said I made a vow to stick with this organization and that I also married into it. Right before she left I decided to see if my husband had told her that he feels God might also being working through other organizations. It started a 15 minute debate between them two. I didn't understand anything that was said because they talked in spanish but his mom looked nautious. After she left I asked him what she said. She said that that may be true but she doesn't think about those other religions because she's not apart of them. It made me made when he told me that. How can she make I big deal about me not going to meetings anymore if she admits that God might be working through more than one religion!

    So after all that was over she wanted to attack me for getting into acting. She told me not to get too involved in acting and to not let it take time away from my husband. How dare she! I set her straight on that. I remained calm when she wanted to attack my beliefs because I understand how she feels and that she is under mind control. But to attack my acting in the same session is just too much. This woman needs to learn how to pick her battles!

    That's my rant for the day. Thanks for listening. I feel better now.

  • jamiebowers

    IMHO, any further attempts by her to get you into a conversation should be, "Thanks, but no thanks." Aside from meddling in your religious beliefs, she's now trying to involve herself in your marriage.

  • creativhoney

    Pinata custom is evil. you cant beat a donkey with a stick, what would jesus say?

    - kidding - sometimes being DFd is so much easier, their circular reasoning tells them to leave you the hell alone x

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    *** g03 9/22 pp. 23-24 The Piñata—An Ancient Tradition ***

    Later, the piñata became part of the festivities of the posadas during the Christmas season and continues as such to this day. (A star-shaped piñata is used to represent the star that guided the astrologers to Bethlehem.) Breaking the piñata is also considered indispensable at birthday parties. Indeed, piñatas have become so traditionally Mexican that Mexico even exports them to other countries.

    We found that for many people in Mexico, the piñata has lost its religious significance and is considered by most to be just harmless fun. In fact, piñatas are used in Mexico on many festive occasions, not just for the posadas or for birthdays. And piñatas can be purchased in many forms other than the traditional star shape. They are sometimes made to resemble animals, flowers, clowns.

    When considering whether to include a piñata at a social gathering, Christians should be sensitive to the consciences of others. (1 Corinthians 10:31-33) A main concern is, not what the practice meant hundreds of years ago, but how it is viewed today in your area. Understandably, opinions may vary from one place to another. Hence, it is wise to avoid turning such matters into big issues. The Bible says: “Let each one keep seeking, not his own advantage, but that of the other person.”—1 Corinthians 10:24.

    Stick to the organization, eh? Sounds like she missed the new light in the Bible Teach book...

    *** bh chap. 18 pp. 182-183 par. 24 Baptism and Your Relationship With God ***

    24 However, baptism is not a mere bath. It is a symbol of something very important. Going beneath the water symbolizes that you have died to your former life course. Being raised up out of the water indicates that you are now alive to do the will of God. Remember, too, that you have made a dedication to Jehovah God himself, not to a work, a cause, other humans, or an organization. Your dedication and baptism are the beginning of a very close friendship with God—an intimate relationship with him.—Psalm 25:14.

    Anybody dedicated to an "organization" has officially put God in last place.

    Tell MIL that Jehovah told me that Jerusalem wasn't destroyed in 607 BCE, so JWs don't really have "the truth". Uh, just being sarcastic, you know, actor to actor.

  • thetrueone

    At the end she told me to just wait on Jehovah

    Really absurd loaded JW language, just one of them I might add.

    Next time you talk to your MiL ask her how she came to believe that

    the WTS publishing company has any kind of direct connection to god.

    Then you can explain to her all the factual truth about this religious publishing company

    and how they've exploited the bible and it contents to help in the circulation of their books and literature.

    And also how they exploit people like herself to propagate their literature to others as well.

  • zoiks

    I feel your pain! You can conduct research, reason on matters, learn the truth about the truth, make sure of things, pray, whatever... when family learns of your doubts, all bets are off. Your MIL sounds a lot like my mom. She and my MIL have gotten together to gang up on me, to shame and guilt me back into the organization. Defininite boundaries will need to be set by you for your MIL's conduct.

    It's sad that we have to treat them as though they are misbehaving children, isn't it?

    Hang in there, and continue to take the high road!


  • creativhoney

    Then you can explain to her all the factual truth about this religious publishing company

    were it only that simple that they would listen... :(

  • Anne

    Grr!! is right. Your mother-in-law probably means well, as all the truly deceived do. She just wants you to be the perfect little JW wifey to her son so she can brag to all those in her social group how happy and "spiritual" the two of you are. She probably thinks she failed as a mother because she didn't indoctrinate her son well enough to choose a wife who would stay in the truth (lie).

    It sounds like your husband backed you up. That really has her scared.

  • Heaven

    I just tell my Father that I don't want my name associated with any organization that doesn't protect children from pedophiles. The whole pedophile thing makes him extremely uncomfortable.

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