Do we all (X-dubs) have this? I sometimes get this 'Spidey sense' like warning when JWs are around. Sorry if it has been discussed before.
by julien 7 Replies latest jw friends
Yea, they kind of radiate a sort of hollow plastic forced, controlled energy. Smiling at anyone who is a possible convert, ignoring anyone who isn't and not having a clue about themselves.
You can feel the mold they have streched over themselves. -
Yes, we do.
JW's use a language that is all their own. Quite often, a simple
phrase that means nothing to someone else, will tip off a JW's
identity.If nothing else, the polyesther suit from the early 70's is a sure sign.
LOL, Spidey-sense. I totally have it. It's pretty easy to spot them if you have been one I think, especially when they are just getting done with service (about when I'm in town having my lunch).
Spotted an Awake on a co-worker's desk the other day, it didn't have the tell tale "three-fold" look (that they get when they are mailed) to it so I'm not sure if he's a witness or not, but I've been trying to test my JWDar and on him.
Do they even mail the mags out anymore? I used to remeber in the hall it was a mark of shame if you didn't have a thrice-folded magazine, it meant you really weren't studying. What a joke!
Absolutely. As some others mentioned before, there's the Kingdom Hall language ("upbuilding", "the world", "this system"...). I think if you've heard that often enough, your subconscious can pick it up long before you become aware of it.
A dead giveaway is the phrase "I know Jehovah's Witnesses very well", sometimes followed by "and they're the nicest people to be around" or "and if everyone was like them...".
If that isn't the truth. I found out that I worked with one after 2 weeks. The little hairs on the back of my neck just wouldn't stay down. Finally, I just started dropping little clues and sure enough, he was a dub.
He had a very hard time thinking that I used to be one. don't know why. couldn't have been all the "worldly" behavior.
Slipnslidemaster:"In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. But, in practice, there is."
- Jan L.A. van de Snepscheut -
"three-fold" look....mark of shame if you didn't have a thrice-folded magazine
Sorry to nitpick(that's just me), but the mags come bi-folded in the mail, at least here in the USA.
And yes, the mags are going to start being distributed from the hall instead of being mailed. Not like I care. I let my sub run out about 4 years ago and never renewed it. Thank god my wife still keeps hers or else I would not have access to the fine spiritual banquet that arrives twice a month to keep me in the light.
Hmm, I think you're right. It was at least 10 years ago so I must have forgotten. They were folded the long way, correct?