Depressed about world conditions? Missing Farkel already? Overly concerned that your city may be the next target for a little biological warfare? Feeling ripped off that after all those many years of pleasing others and making so many self-sacrifices, you discovered how your religion was really just a crock of !@#$ after all? Or maybe you are seriously considering euthansia as a viable option; if only you could say it right, right?
Don't worry, change the script. We all need a little pick me up from time to time.
So, to put a smile on your dial, if only temporarily, come and meet a real Australian galah - Whacker of Woodside.
Ah yes, mike047, he's a mischievous little bird, isn't he?!
And yes, Unca, I knew another real South Australian galah like yourself wouldn't be able to resist Whacker's new site. By the way, who's your plastic surgeon? Nice job, cobber.
Uncanny's profile pic was directed to his A:\Drive!!!!!When you opened any thread that contained a post by him/her, it automatically searched all of our A:\Drives.
'K? Guys? Now if you had just clicked on properties you would have known that. (Said slowwwwly)
Ana, Thanks, I am not, nor wish to be, a techie. My area of expertise lies elsewhere. I was concerned that my computer was being compromised[it has happened before]. I am aware of the properties information but only use it occasionally to see where a photo came from.