I'm about to embark on a new sales career in 2010, working in sales of renewable energy products - Wind Turbines, Heat Pumps, Solar Panels and Solar PV Electricity. I've been in sales for almost 40 years, and enjoy the buzz sales can bring. I shall be self-employed, and have to supply my own vehicle and surveying equipment - there's no basic wage, or expenses - just a fairly high sales commission on 'closed' deals. I've been self-employed before, but prefer an employed contract. In the current economic climate, emplyed sales positions are few and far between. I have no direct experience in selling renewables, but have a lot of experience in the thermal insulation business as a way to reduce heating bills - hence my desire to get into renewables.
I've always tried hard to maintain an ethical approach to sales, however, many colleagues think this is a waste of time and results in making fewer sales. In the short-term, they may well be right. Needless to say, I disagree with their philosophy.
It was as a result of my 'ethical' approach that I DAd myself from JWs back in 2003, as I could no longer believe in any god or religion, and couldn't in all conscience remain any part of the 'JW brand'.
Are there any salespeople on the board that can relate to what I'm trying to describe? How do you maintain high standards of customer care and avoid 'trying to make a quick sale' just to pay the bills? Here, in Scotland, the recession is still deep and money is tight for many people - myself included.
Any comments, as always, will be warmly appreciated...
lifelong humanist