Or better yet... thank Jasper Schuringa!
Thank god for stopping the bomber on that plane!
by Elsewhere 8 Replies latest jw friends
I have never been a fan of "thanking God" when things go our way, just as I have never been a fan of blaming God when things don't go our way.
IF God helped those people on THAT flight, did it mean he didn't help those people on all the other flights that have been destroyed by bombers of the many years?
And if God didn't help them does that mean he wanted them to die those horrible deaths?
While we can argue that none of us know the divine plan of the Almighty and I am sure that if I was on that plane I would be thanking God too, I am still not sure that God involves himself in these things.
Thank also to the citizens who acted to protect themselves.
From Jeff Cooper's "To Ride, Shoot Straight, and Speak the Truth"
Why do you suppose the creeps of the world have declared open season on Americans? Are we not the posterity of Patrick Henry and George Washington and Nathan Hale and Buck Travis and George Custer and Teddy Roosevelt and George Patton?
How do they dare?
We seem to have changed, and not for the better. The Fathers won the country with sweat and blood. The sons seem to think that gives them a free ticket to the fat life - a life without fighting. Now where do you suppose the idea arose that a man can make it without fighting? It was certainly not prevalent in the 1920's or 1930's. It is new, but it is now almost universal. And it is sick. It delivers up the soft to the wicked. It makes the American the laughing stock of the age.
The issue is "hijacking" - air piracy. It is now intolerable, and it promises to get worse. We wring our hands. We look for "solutions" in concepts and gadgets, but what we need is will...............Fifty years ago, young people were made to understand - around the dinner table - that strife was part of life, and that they might well encounter it, and that it would then be their duty to face it without blinking - ready, willing, and able to use force quickly and expertly if necessary. Boys were taught to shoot and use their hands, and girls were taught to expect that in their men.
And that society was infinitely safer and more serene than what we have now. Mugging, rape, piracy, and terrorism (in the sense of the victimization of the uninvolved) were so rare as to be sensational. In that society, it would have been both futile and ridiculous for two punks to assume physical command over 159 people. They would have been quickly killed.
The idea that intended victims can overcome armed bandits is not fanciful. Some years ago, two pirates attempted to take over an Air Iberia flight from Madrid to Rome. The passengers killed them, the stewardesses covered them up with blankets, and opened the bar. The flight arrived on schedule. More recently, a troll seized a girl in a Philippine bank, doused her with gasoline, and threatened to burn her if he was not given all the ready money. The customers not only beat him to death, they actually dismembered him. It can be done!
Have we become of nation of "wimps" where the expected acts of "heroissim" have become the rareity rather than the norm?
I think that after 9/11 many have realised that to do nothing is far worse than doing something.
If someone is hell bent on blowing up a plane or killing someone, stopping them is a GOOD thing !
I don't think that the view of "you might make it worse" is one tht is being propegated anymore.
Not too long ago in Toronto there was a hostage situation, a man had a gun to his ex-wife ( I think) and this was out in public in the downtown financial area, The cops came, a warning was made, it was ignored and a police sniper did his job very well, end of situation.
Sure soem councelling was offered to the people in the surrounding building that happened to see "TV in real life", but the vast majority had nothing but praise for the good work of the police.
AK - Jeff
Thanx to the passengers who acted - and also to the idiot terrorist who didn't do it right.
Yes. Thank god indeed. And while we're at it, let's all thank the glorious one for putting an end to sexual abuse and starving children!
AK - Jeff
Cthulhu - Oh my, let's not get that started again! Last time I made several enemies.
that is not heroic ... the passengers did it to save their own asses
fireman are heroic...they don't have to go into a burning building
Some firemen are heroes... others are gloryhounds who like to put bumper stickers all over their vehicles telling the world "I'm a fireman! I'm a hero! I go in where others run away! Look at me!"