How important are the US witnesses for the WTBTS survival?

by dgp 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • dgp

    I understand the number of witnesses is not growing much, or is actually decreasing, in a few originally important countries. I also understand that growth in the United States come from non-white and possibly non-American congregations, and that the WTBTS' growth, as a whole, comes from developing countries (Latin America, maybe Africa). I notice that the training school for missionaries, Gilead, is in the United States. And I read somewhere that the society sort of prefers American missionaries because they have been trained under the society's more direct control. Witnesses who speak English can more easily read the original Watchtower documents and have easier access to them. Should the number of American witneses not grow, would the WTBTS survive?

    I'm sure that the branch offices in developing countries don't usually contribute with much. Mexico and Brazil, given their large size and relative situation, might be important contributors. But I don't think the Malawi witnesses contribute with much.

    What do you people think?

  • What-A-Coincidence

    According to them ... it will exists in some form until Hayzus comes ... It's 'survival' is not based on #'s. As long as their is 1 believer according to them ... the JWs live on.

  • thetrueone

    Should the number of American witnesses not grow, would the WTBTS survive?

    Yes of course, the WTS exist and was created mainly impart with the US freedom of religion act.

    Bogus religious orders or organization hide behind this support with confidence.

    That is why some organizations go to the US to start up a religious order in the first place.

    The principle operators of the WTS. have known this and they have actually fought on their own behalf in the US courts and won.

    Keeping this in mind even if the JWS dwindle down in the North America they wouldn't move away from the US governments coat of protection

    for obvious reasons.

  • wantarevolution

    It will survive in some form, however based on what I see at the moment, the JW's are quickly becoming an african religion (not that there's anything wrong with that). The "faith" is getting more emotional, less "rational" to play to this. The competition between the pentecostal churches and the JW's is strong here. People have their foot in both camps, as they have the social aspect of the pentecostal churches.

    Our CO at the last SAD gave this statistic - since 2007 in our circuit, 64 were baptized, 62 of them were from the African continent. 60% of the audience were african that english as a common tongue.

  • dissed

    The USA JW's are important to the GB, but not necessary.

    As long as they hold on to ALL the assets, the property and buildings, they can finance anything.

    In fact, a plural majority of the GB controls all of the holdings if it ever came to that, which it won't of course.

    But if it did?

    The JW's from all over the world signed over to them complete control of the Org. Which means, if 7,299,999 JW's were united in saying we want the assets, 7 JW's of the GB could refuse their request, kick them all out, and govern the non-profit Org by themselves.

    Look at Spain. The WTS is selling the buildings for 120 million? and guess where the Spanish JW's money is going? Not to them, not back to the pubs who sacrificed to build them.

    The money train question you had? Its my understanding the German and English JW's are supporting the work in a large way as well.

  • yknot

    I think financially speaking it isn't just the US.....but all 'Westernized' countries.

    That I was pondering your question ....this is the thought that popped into my head....

    """What if......the corporate-side of the WTS has decided to let things slowly run down.... allowing for output to only be equal to 60% input...."

    Funneling assets to other non-profit dummy corporations with off-shore accounts wouldn't be too hard for an international company...

    The Farm's recently unveiled expansion could easily be flipped to a private school or small college.......

    The WTS would spin the dwindling membership and limited publications as proof of the end.... the KHs will be sold off and people will once again meet in houses as the Bible Students did......again all under the guise of Satanic persecution and endtimes tribulations.

  • OnTheWayOut

    In the past, the United States may have financed the corporation heavily and supported their outreach to the third-world countries.
    Nowadays, they are already established in the rest of the world. The contributions in the United States probably barely cover the costs in the U.S. and might even come up short when anticipated lawsuits are included. But they still have buildings to sell, so not a problem yet.

    I imagine that the rest of the world is supporting WTS just fine. If they move out to rural NY state, if they continue to sell off Kingdom Halls in the U.S. until there just isn't anything left to sell, I imagine they will have some business plan in place to scale back even more- no more printing of books, only releasing new materials at the conventions where members can be fleeced, door-to-door work focusing on offering a scripture and begging for money.

    Don't count this cult out yet. I hope they are reaching a tipping point and continue to allow old men to make bad financial decisions, but I don't bet on it.

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