Once in a while when I am with my fellow dubs, I throw it out there.... "Hey, soon we will have the first centennial cellebration of God's Kingdom. Only nine left till it's done...!"
Well, I am not quite THAT brazen, but I do throw it out there. I usually follow it up with "I wonder when we will celebrate it, on new year's day or in October... say October 1 2014..(ponder ponder)
It really disturbs a JW to think in these terms. I also mention that the Society ... by buying this new LARGE printing press and placing it in Canada where all the literature will be printed "for the next two decades".... "positions it well for printing for the next generation.
It raises a few eyebrows.
It's like shoving a dirty stick in their eye. And there's nothing that can be said to me by them or the red-faced elders who may drag me into the elder's room (and I have been there a few times)
On that note, I bid you all a Happy New Year.