2000-2009 a decade of crisis for the Watchtower org.!

by koolaid-man 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • koolaid-man

    This last decade proved to be very turbulent and potentially destructive to the Watchtower org. The Jehovah's Witnesses now find themselves in a defensive mode. The beginning of this decade brought about monumental changes in their administrative business models. New corporations came into existence and for the first time none of the presidents, including the president of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Max Larson, are of the anointed class. The U.N. scandal was very embarassing for the org. as well as the nationally televised Dateline program on child molestation brought "bad light" on "God's only true religion". A decade of unending bad press continued to come forward. Lawrence Hughes J.W. daughter, Bethany, died because of the policies on blood transfusions and a lawsuit pursued that exposed the Watchtower for the evil organisation that it is. The press reported that at least 16 child molestation lawsuits were settled with individuals who claimed to be abused by Jehovah's Witnesses.A "gag" order was put on them and the W.T. paid out millions of dollars. The decade of the great sell off. Much of the real estate owned by the Org. in Brooklyn was sold and changes in the way they conduct their business took place around the world. What do you think would be some of the top stories for the decade? We will be discussing this tomorrow night, Jan.2 at 7p.m.EST on the Six Screens of the Watchtower conference call. It's easy to get on the call, just dial 712-432-8710 and when asked for pin use 9925. Our lines open at 6:30 p.m.EST. So come in early and talk with all of those who have been "touched by the tentacles of the Watchtower".

  • flipper

    KOOL-AID MAN- I think some of the top stories would be the Dateline exposure of the child abuse crisis in the organization in 2002 and evidence of the continued problem existing by the out of court settlements in 2007 . One of the huge problems is HOW the elders are instructed to HANDLE child abuse allegations. It's as if the laws of the land in reporting child abuse are not as important to the WT society as the elders are told to report any child abuse to the WT society first and foremost. So the coverup and procedures in dealing with child abuse is skewed from the get go and beginning.

    I think child abuse is a bigger problem in the Jehovah's Witness organization than the WT society wants it's members to know. Thus the "information control" ( as Steve Hassan calls it ) exercised over WHAT rank and file members are told. The more they coverup- it's only going to get worse

  • What-A-Coincidence

    Crisis? NO WAY ... It's all INTERPRETATION ... according to them, everything is happening according to prophecy.

    It all depends on what side of the glass pane ur on.

  • WTWizard

    And I hope it gets even worse for them. They had a whopper of an embarrassment the day before Thanksgiving in 2007 on NBC about the pedophile issue. They have had numerous newspaper writeups about severe crimes committed by the witlesses, including the girl whipped to death for misplacing a jacket. Including the kidnapping and raping of a child, and neglecting the resulting children. Including the killing and eating the baby, and numerous other baby killings. Including a baby killer getting out of jail and joining the cancer. Including someone from Beth Hell getting busted by the police for taking pictures of boys in the mens room.

    I would like nothing more than for the IRS to catch up with the fraud and bust the Washtowel Babble and Crap Slaveholdery. And I would like to see a "7.3 Million-Gate" where someone hacks into the records and gets access to the exact number of fake time slips, double counted time slips, and time slips turned in under force or threats of force (especially when it is for children, particularly those below 10 years of age). Let's see how many witlesses they will be able to count after a 7.3 Million Gate.

  • Heaven

    My father told me when the CO visited back in June (2009) that he (the CO) told them that 'The young people are leaving in droves.' That sure doesn't sound like a positive sign for them. I hope that trend increases.

  • Mary
    for the first time none of the presidents, including the president of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Max Larson, are of the anointed class.

    You're kidding?! I didn't know that.........How the hell can someone be the "President" and not be of the "annointed"??

    Besides, I thought Teddy Jackass Jaracz will still the prez.......

  • Gayle

    On Facebook, there is a drove of young people (and older) of ex-JWs. They even have a possible plan showing on Facebook of an ex-JW convention next August. Many youth leave angry but seeing on Facebook, they are not leaving quietly. It is good they can link up there and find others going through what they are going through. At least with Internet sites, many can leave but not have to have such a lonely path as many did pre-Internet. I did make a connection with one young girl whose JW mother rejects her. I just sent her Crisis of Conscience, as she wanting to research.

  • No Apologies
    No Apologies


    Back in either 2000 or 2001, they made a split between the GB and all the corporations; none of the Governing Body have a position on the boards of any of their corporations.

    Milton Henshel resigned as president, I believe Don Adams replaced him as president of WTBTS of Pennsylvania.

    Actually I think even before this Max Larson was president of the NY corporation, he is a Bethel heavy from the Knorr era.

    Jaracz was never the President of any of the corporations.

    No Apologies

  • WuzLovesDubs

    I would love to see a chart of the "average age" of the members of this cult. My guess is that that average age is increasing exponentially because of the aging of the die hards and the constant outflow of the young...those same youth being the ones that are being baptized every year and NOT peeps found at doors. So its got to be a slow implosion going on. But when you are talking about 7 million people its occurring slowly like a cancer.

    But the signs are starting to appear on a regular basis on the outside.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    And yet they announce a 4% INcrease in peak publishers and a 9% INcrease in Bible studies in the USA branch for 2009.

    I don't think they're lying, either. I think more and more JWs are lying with their reports.

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