Ever wonder why JWs are such suckers for a conspiracy theory? If you think any of their doctrines or beliefs through for long enough, there's usually some for of conspiracy thrown in.
I thought I'd give this email a whirl to test their credulity:
Are you a conspiracy theorist? You should be!
As the last days wear on, our adversary the devil is seeking ever more sophisticated ways to draw us away from the truth. His machinations, or “crafty acts”, go beyond personal attacks on our faith. Over thousands of years, Satan has schemed to discredit Jehovah’s organization, sometimes involving extensive planning. Lets take a look at an example.
In order to distract people from the pivotal date of 1914 and all its significance, Satan set about falsifying historical evidence in order to obfuscate the fulfilment of prophecy. As all Jehovah’s Witnesses are aware, a period of 2520 years separates the destruction of Jerusalem and the presence of Christ and his arrival in Kingdom power. Thousands of stone tablets, the records of countless civilizations and even astronomical evidence witness all testify that Jerusalem was destroyed by the Babylonians in 586/7 BCE. If we count back 2520 years from 1914 we arrive at the year 607BCE. Secular history shows that Nebuchadnezzar, the King of Babylon who lead the siege against Jerusalem, did not even become King of Babylon until two years later, in 605BCE. What could account for this apparent discrepancy?
The only possibility is that Satan the Devil has falsified thousands of pieces of historical evidence, successfully moved the heavenly bodies and removed a period of 20 years. Satan successfully rewrote history to discredit Jehovah’s organization in order that 2500 years later, people would reject the evidence of the fulfillement of prophecy in relation to Christ’s presence. Check any encyclopaedia or history book and you will see this subterfuge for yourself.
Never underestimate our adversary Satan the Devil.