I may start a series, "classic articles".
This article is from the Watchtower of December 15, 1971
Title: "A Governing Body as different from a legal corporation"
.."On Friday morning,October 1,1971,the legal corporation known as Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania held its annual corporation meeting"....
fine, but here we go.
..."At this meeting a question came up and was discussed from the platform. It was as to what the relationship is between the Board of Directors of the Society...and the Governing Body...Are they the same, identical, or are they different?"....
Well, the org is the channel of God, dont THEY know what, who and where the governing body is? Obviously there is no formal governing body. Why else ask the question?
Next it says:
..."Such questions were due to the fact that it has been published
in print that the Governing Body of Jehovahs Witnesses at headquarters
is associated with the Board of Directors...does this make the Board of Directors the same as the Governing Body?"...
So theyve published that theres a Governing Body running the Organization, but noone knows who is on this Governing Body, or even exactly what it is.
A conundrum indeed.After all:
..."In the year 1944 the Watchtower magazine began to speak about the governing body"...
So the WT has been talking, for 27 years about a Governing Body that doesnt even formally exist, and that noone knows who comprises the members there of.
..."Let us keep in mind that the governing body must be made up of dedicated, baptized Christians who are annointed...and who are to be united with the glorified Christ in the heavenly kingdom"...
So the Governing Body has to comprise of men who are of the annointed class.
But theres a problem:
...." Not all these present day members of the Society are spirit annointed members of the faithful and discreet slave class. At this writing there are just 450 members of the society, but less than half
(200) of them are of the annointed remnant of the 'slave class'"...
So. Now its clear. THe Society wants to create a Governing Body of spirit annointed persons but these have to be voted into office by persons who are not spirit annointed!
Isnt that the Tail wagging the Dog? Isnt the Remnant supposed to be running this organization?
...." the question arises, can this majority of voters who are made up of such 'other sheep'....be voting in the members of the annointed governing body"...
What a predicament!
Anybody know how they got themselves out of THIS one?