1. Obviously the ORIGINAL blood doctrine from the 1950'-1970's banned ALL Blood products of any sort causing many deaths. {Latter revised due to bad publicity and many deaths}
2. Organ Transplants are banned till 1980. {As above}
3. "No part of the world"......refusal of ANY other non military services for Conscripts caused many Brothers and Sisiters to be shot, killed, tortured, raped put in Concentration camps. {2001 this policy is changed so non-military service can be done during conscription. Also the Governments are "from the Devil" idea is tone down dramatically}
4. Abortion is murder in Jehovahs eyes even if the Mothers life is in danger.
5. Other religions are "from Satan" causes many beatings, bannings, tar and featherings, and murder of Brothers. {later toned down and sugar coated for good PR}
6. Suicides due to guilt for "displeasing Jehovah" or "not being good enough, molestations not brought to justice."
Most of this is Rutherfords doing...did I miss any???
Most of this is Rutherford stupid fault...did I miss any?