The local area is attempting to build a new kingdom hall. The county says they do not want is done as a quick build. They sited that too many of these quick builds have resulted with mold problems. They say there needs to be time for curing wood, drywall etc before next phases. I personally know of a few halls up north that are now no longer used due to mold.
Trying to build a new Kingdom Hall but county says
by megaflower 9 Replies latest jw friends
Yea, what's the damn hurry anyway, is the end of the world coming or something ?
If it is, why build the thing ?
They will do it anyways. First, they will lie to the county about it. Then, they will make up word definitions so they can claim they obeyed the law when in fact they did not or that they kept promises when they broke them. And there will be mold problems, p*** poor HVAC systems, and issues with quality of just about everything from the lighting to the hardware on the door to the security system.
Yea, what's the damn hurry anyway, is the end of the world coming or something ?
If it is, why build the thing ?I'm with ya Wobble LOL!!
OK, people keep bringing up ideas for lawsuits against the WTBS. I've always thought most of these (based on DF'ing etc) are bogus, but somebody might have one here. IF you could find five people that are sick and were exposed to mold due to quick builds skirting the regulations you've got a class action suit. I have no doubt that the society's lawyers would try to make these one at a time issues. If they do that, they're going to cut the local congs loose from HQ's control.
Could be an interesting situation.
I had a postion of responsibility on the RBC (not to up though), on some of the KH's megafloweris referring to. I would constantly take issue with the wall coverings going up over wet joint compound. Where did these people actually think the moisture would go. All due to some. All for some arbitrary deadline.
Back in the 80's the whole quick build concept was pretty much just a marketing tool. Now, so many non-profit groups do this it goeas unboticed. Kudos to the county for being responsible.
Just a thought, if Jehovah was really directing their efforts, as they claim, couldn't he direct the projects so this mold remediation wsn't needed?
remember all those "experiences" on how quick build were a "wonder" in the newspaper articles?
"only jehovah's people can do it"!
:remember all those "experiences" on how quick build were a "wonder" in the newspaper articles?
:"only jehovah's people can do it"!
The Amish have been doing it for more than a Century with no electricity or power tools. I'd bet the Amish quick build barns will outlaw the dub quick build Kingdom Halls by half-a-Century, too.
Wow, thats a great point about mold.
Quickbuilds are an example of the idiotic thinking of the GB. Maybe now that GB 2.0 is in charge and they have no more $$ coming in, they will stop them or more tightly regulate them. But all it is supposed to be is a spectacle for good pub.
I would think the point would be the best building that you could possibly make, don't you?
I personally think its dangerous at times the way JW's do this sometimes. Am I saying that doing a building quickly isn't impressive? No. It is an accomplishment of sorts. But its just too quick, and it isn't necesarry.
I'm sorry, I forgot Jesus words: "They will know you by your ability to throw up a windowless meeting shed in two days."