Sickening, isn't it? And just think, we were taught to believe in such things!
by God_Delusion 3 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Sickening, isn't it? And just think, we were taught to believe in such things!
God_Dulision, You have really cut out all the c**p and said it like it is. It's horrible, but it is exactly as they believe. This was the very first thing that got me thinking that it may not be the TRUTH - I just couldn't accept it or be a part of it and I couldn't pass the buck to Jehovah - this was something I was preaching so I had to truly believe it. Sick, sick, sick, sick.
This is a topic I have had too many arguements with my still indoctrinated parents to count - I had a massive one with them on this subject just yesterday infact. And it's funny, those commonly used arguements listed on that blog ("only God knows what will happen on that day", "we have to trust in him and his judgement because he knows what's best for us as he has proved this in countless situations".) are almost word for word what my parents came back at me with, yet again. They simply employ those mental blocks that save them from having to really process the idea of the horredous things that their so-called "loving" God is supposedly going to bring down upon millions of innocent people, children babies included.
They choose to see it as God saving those he deems worthy, rather than him killing those he doesn't. They reason that humans are destroying the earth anyway, so God is simply providing a lifeboat for all those that want in. Every time I use the word "murder", I'm told "Stop saying murder! God isn't going to murder anyone, he's saving us! Don't think about the one's that will die, think about all those that are going to be saved!"
I try time and time again to show them the glaring flaws in this way of thinking with numerous illustrations and comparissions, but nothing ever seems to sink in. I've all but given up and accepted that they'd rather live a life of blissful ignorance than know the truth.
But I hope if somehow this is all true and Armageddon does come, that the Witnesses will be forced to clear the charred and mangled corpses from the streets and have to look at the faces of all the humans that had to die for them to have their everlasting life. I don't know how I'd be able to live with myself and the guilt for the rest of eternity.