JW Money Drive for Haiti

by Gerard 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gerard

    Has the WashTowel started their fraud money drive to ..... ahem....."help" the Haitian brothers & sisters?

  • dinah

    Make all donations to the "world wide work" trust us to distribute the funds where they should go blah blah blah

  • Moxie

    So far their statement on the WT media site says, (emphasis mine)

    "Witnesses around the world are offering their assistance. The Witnesses’ relief efforts are currently being coordinated from their world headquarters in Brooklyn with the assistance of the branch office in the Dominican Republic, providing practical help and spiritual comfort for the victims"

    I sincerely hope that they offer more than "spiritual comfort".

    I also just posted on JWN about ex-JW efforts to rally together to provide real support to the many who need it right now. Instead of JW earmarked funds going only to fellow believers, we can rise up and help with the large-scale humanitarian relief efforts and show the JWs how it should be done!!!!


  • WTWizard

    If you want to support the victims of the earthquake, I recommend doing it through the Red Cross or another legitimate charity, or doing it by sending relief directly to someone you care about (like friends and family living there). This is the same rule for any major disaster, whether this earthquake, the tsunami, Katrina, or a future disaster. I do not recommend sending it through a church's general fund (and especially the Kingdumb Hell fund), because most of it will go toward religious and "spiritual" relief and not to help people in need.


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