Just ran across this. Sharing for your enjoyment.
Propaganda the JWs could borrow from
by bluecanary 4 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I better stop...............................................................................................................................................................................................
........................................................Laughing that is
Aussie Oz
DAMN! Now i know why i am so sick.... and disgusting to look at...
hey, that's the story sounds familiar:
A dark coming-of-age comedy that goes behind closed doors into the rarely-glimpsed world of Jehovah's Witnesses.
Gabe is a teenage Jehovah's Witness convinced God is going to kill him at Armageddon for masturbating.
Confessions of a Teenage Jesus Jerk
Available from Soft Skull Press -
Back to reality. If he does NOT clean the pipes, he is more likely to succumb to prostate cancer.
More quack medical advice, compliments of the Society.