Only bad things in ancient birthdays?

by bamse 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • bamse

    The FDS argue about the murders in connection with the only two birthday parties mentioned in the Bible.

    The cup bearer was released at Pharaoh's birthday. By that incident Joseph could be freed and next; millions of people included the Israelite were saved from famine. One man was killed, but millions were saved.

  • RubaDub

    I'm too lazy to look it up now but I think the only mention of people pooping in the bible were when bad events occurred.

    I know King Eglon was pooping when he was killed.

    And I think there is another one mentioned by name.

    Rub a Dub

  • WTWizard

    They don't mention this because they want the witlesses to view birthdays as evil. This is because they would otherwise give children something other than field circus to look forward to (and they wouldn't want anything to compete with field circus). Also, they don't want the witlesses to spend money on a birthday party that otherwise would have gone into the Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund or have toys for children that make them even less willing to go out in field circus.

  • PSacramento

    In the 1000's of years of "biblical history", 2 Bdays are mentioned in which somehtign bad happened.

    Which means the other MILLIONS of Bday celebrations went just fine.

    WT assholes.

  • smixon

    I had an interesting thought the other day on this very topic! There is only one Lord's evening meal mentioned in the Bible and that same evening, Judas betrayed our very own Jesus Christ for 30 pieces of silver. The same logic follows that Jesus changed his mind afterwards and no longer wants us to celebrate the Lords Evening Meal! Yeppers! I think that's pretty similar logic, what do you think? I don't think my jdub ma will agree!

  • bamse

    Smixon, very awakening argument. Thank you.

  • moshe

    JW's are so illogical- by their logic, had the two parties been wedding parties instead of birthday parties, then JW's would be obliged to forgo all wedding parties- shoot- lets just eliminate all weddings, just to be completely safe.

  • BabaYaga
    The cup bearer was released at Pharaoh's birthday. By that incident Joseph could be freed and next; millions of people included the Israelite were saved from famine. One man was killed, but millions were saved.
    There is only one Lord's evening meal mentioned in the Bible and that same evening, Judas betrayed our very own Jesus Christ for 30 pieces of silver. The same logic follows that Jesus changed his mind afterwards and no longer wants us to celebrate the Lords Evening Meal!

    These are great thoughts, bookmarking, thank you.

    RubaDub... that's pretty funny about the "poop" incidents. If you get that info together, post it here, please.

  • belbab

    There is another pooping incident in the Bible.

    King Saul and his party were out on a manhunt looking for the outlaw, David. Saul has to take a crap and enters a cave where David was hiding. David sneaks up and cuts off a piece of Saul's cloak. Later David hollers from a distance to Saul, basically saying I could have killed you, but I didn't.

    So, we have two unsavoury pooping inccidents in the Bible, hence JWs should look at pooping as a necessary evil, but one is forbidden to get any enjoyment from the activity.


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