the idea came up, when a poster (sorry cant find the thread) mentioned something about, that as long as the WTS do not change core-doctrins, most JW would not mind.
Changing things like "generation", "sealing of anointed" etc, they take as new light, and dont see any problem..
It made me think, what actually are core doctrins for JW ?
Some say, teachings like no trinity, soul, hellfire, paradise earth etc...
While this is true, I think we must define, what are really core-doctrins:
My definition:
If you do not follow a particular doctrine, and as a consequence, will get you Disfellowshipped, then its a core-doctrine !
Considering this, many core-doctrins in fact did change:
smoking prohbited and DF-offense in the 60, I think.
Making civil-service, permitted after 1996, before, guess what ? df-offense
definition of porneia, changed in the 70`s (including practices in marriage) , later more changed in 2006, QFR-article
blood, what is allowed, what not, changes over time...
what pagan festivals one can celebrate, what not (no birthdays, but Pinata allowed etc)
how much can you get involved in politics (voting )
This thought can be extended even to almost all doctrines, because imagine, some years ago, you were publically teaching the generation meaning the anointed who overlap, you would get in trouble for apostacy.
The same is true regarding many flip flops (resurrection, organ transplants etc)
Another factor is, those things have much more influence in daily life, then lets say, believing in trinity, or an immortal soul.
just some ideas, I appreciate any input