God still has a holy spirit among us that truely search for him!
What we feel and what we know are different among us here. We also have terms and labels that can slightly alter our way of thinking. Is it truely safe were we are and who we socielize with?
Among us come all different forms of opinions, age, and backgrounds.
Keep in mind the goal here is not to hurt one another but help. I as well as all can put our foot in our mouths when we come across new information, but instead of denial we should be humbled. I feel I have learned alot among the wise and the cautious. But what I realized is that I still don't hold the answers and still believe none of us will.
We can fix, solve, and reajust but what holds important is our motivation, our spirit, and our integrity. I as well as all have a problem to judge, we all have a problems we face in life that humble each and everyone of us. I hold the Bible's information highly in my life a source (I believe) God gave us.
(James 4:11; Proverbs 3:29; Ps. 19:7)
How will we learn without a teacher, how will be lead without a leader, and how will we unite without allowing people in! Fear God not man... but God I beleive has used us his people to hold these rolls so we can grow. If we follow the Bible we will see the blessings.
Edward Dunlap in his tape I listened to pointed out something very important from the Bible that Paul mentioned man's conscience can't govern man's conscience so therefore we can learn by experiences but take each lessons (information, sources) with a grain of salt.
Ray Franz has information that gives great use to all of us and his humbling attitude I believe will be blessed.
The caution though is our own, we can menifest doubt which in turn can create doubt in God... I can't forget that having faith in God is what is important! Man can twist words and make you feel you have the wrong, but so can your own mind if you allow it.
Negativity allows evil thinking. Keep strong and keep praying... keep the positive energy! We need this for each and everyone of us in our journey through life.