Here is more from the article Ynot referenced: The first part could fit the WTS, the rest is a slam on the RCC
*** w64 11/1 pp. 645-646 Wolves in Sheep’s Covering ***
The combined testimony of these faithful witnesses pointed to danger from within the ranks of professed Christians. The peril would be not so much from the openly avowed opponents of Christ as from those who would rise up claiming to be Christ or claiming to exercise the rights and prerogatives of Christ as his empowered representatives. Disarmed by an outward show of godliness and by “smooth talk and complimentary speech,” many unwary Christians would be seduced into following ‘wolves in sheep’s covering’ and eventually becoming prey to such selfish deceivers.—Rom. 16:18.
The apostle Paul disclosed two giveaway signs of deception, namely, a twisting of the words of truth and a lack of the spirit of tender affection. Peter speaks of counterfeit words and the promotion of sects, groups following men. Jude intimates that a departure from the high moral standards of the Bible would be a danger signal. John points to a denial of the true relationship existing between the heavenly Father and his Son, Christ Jesus, as another indication of antichristian deception.—1 John 2:19, 22.
The facts in fulfillment confirmed those timely warnings. Many false Messiahs (Christs) have arisen since the middle of the first century, men who have duped multitudes of Jews. From time to time men have also arisen, up to and including our own time, claiming to be Christ, deceiving gullible persons who professed to be Christians. Then there is the long line of self-styled vicegerents of Christ who have sat upon a throne in Rome and who have promulgated the idea that their church rule was indeed the foretold thousand-year reign of Christ. In effect they were saying: “The due time has approached,” and have thereby stifled the expectations of many in a genuine Kingdom rule with blessings for all peoples. Add to this the multitudes of nominal Christians who have placed their own personal ideas and selfish desires ahead of the teaching of Christ, and who have to that extent usurped the position of Christ as the authoritative Teacher of the Christian congregation.