Many of you are familiar with the CHANNEL C discussion group, a Christians-only discussion group with a fairly large XJW component.
Even though I would never be permitted to post on CHANNEL C (I'm the lowest form of creation, you know, an ATHEIST), I like to check in with the Channel C crowd every so often to see what "Watchtower World" stories I might have missed. I hold no antipathy toward Christians, I just don't agree with their conclusions. Live and let live and all that. It's also a bit of fun to see the internecine "conversations" between the various flavors of Xtiananity represented over there, I'll admit. How many angels CAN dance on the head of a pin, after all?
But a fairly recent posting by Dr. James Penton, decorated author of APOCALYPSE DELAYED and JWs AND THE THIRD REICH, irritated me a bit. Perhaps because it was expressed in a forum that gave no opportunity for rebuttal. A VERY safe environment.
Since I cannot address Mr. Penton on the closed discussion group where he made his posting, I thought I'd mention it here. This environment is not as safe as CHANNEL C. Some of my atheist friends will, naturally agree with me. Some of my agnostic friends will say, "Well, I don't know..." and some of my Christian friends will say, "O God, here he goes AGAIN." But I'll take the risk. After all, I've got my Kevlar hat!
The post was titled
Atheism - JimPenton - 10:18:08 AM on 12/21/2009
and Dr. Penton said,
The definition of “atheism” was once posted on the Internet: “the belief that there was nothing and nothing happened to nothing and the nothing magically exploded for no reason, creating everything and then a bunch of everything magically rearranged itself for no reason whatsoever into self replicating bits which turned into dinosaurs.”
No wonder G. K. Chesterton once quipped that, if there were no God, there would be no atheists.
Oh, Doctor Penton, please, that if SO FUNNY! Oh PLEASE, you're KILLING me! Oh, HA HA HA HA HA!
I surely am Rolling On The Floor Laughing My Flabby Gluteus Maximus Off! (ROTFLMFGMO!) I hope my yielding to hilarity was not inappropriately excessive, may God forgive me and preserve my immortal soul from eternal hellfire.
But have you heard this one, Sir?
"If it wasn't for evolution, protons would never have become superstitious deists with imaginary invisible friends!"
Isn't that RICH! Oh, what would G. K. Chesterton say to that?
Such cutting humor is indeed double-edged, isn't it?
Yours in good humor,
- Natas