lately there were a lot of articles, like this:
never questions Gods channel of communication (Matth 24:45-47)
follow whatever direction comes from the GB
and the like,
however, reading the Bible can be sometime svery enlightening, so i came across this scripture:
Galatians 1:8 "But even if we or (Q) an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, (R) let him be accursed"
Notice Paul even included himself:"if WE or an angel..." So the readers of Pauls letter (which were inspired btw) were eeven encouraged to question him. If they just accept anything without thinking, how can they find out, whether it was contrary to the Gospel or not.
The GB thinks it is above even apostla Paul, they are not just on Moses seat, no they even replace God himself.
disgusting actually...