If the GB decided to change the system from the number of hours worked to the number of doors knocked & mags placed would the Dubs be as zealous?
Oh that ain't never gonna happen!
Why because they already know that fudging is on the rise despite reproof in the God's Love book and they also want to cut back on printing WT/Awakes because they know they don't really work........
Consider last May's KM commentary and discern how many times this line of thought is echoed during the SM by the conductor
*** km 5/09 p. 3 par. 5 Make Good Use of Our Publications ***
5 Placement of Publications: We strive to place our publications only with those who show genuine interest. Keep in mind that we are the ones primarily responsible for the financial coverage of these valuable tools in our ministry. When leaving a publication with interested ones, do not hesitate to inform them of the privilege they have to support the worldwide work with their donation.
Yes......long gone are the days of leaving pubs with 'intersted ones' (ie: ones who would just take them to get you to leave) no now it is only ones with genuine interest (poor schmuck going through some personal tribulations)........which of course is few and far between these days. These pubs are a big drain financially on the WTS since the donation arrangement was implemented and many JWs stopped donating or lessened the amounts given for pubs received from the lit servant.