Kinda cool, was asked by Sacha Wilharn (ex-JW and author of new book "No Part of Their World", about her abuse by her Bethelite husband and escape from the bOrg) to share my story on "Keepin it Real", a blog radio program she hosts for ex-JWs. Couldn't call in because I'm not getting cell service here in the UK, but I answered her questions via email. Thought they would just pick a few of them, but they read the whole thing and talked about my backstory for about 40 minutes! Eep.
I'm agnostic and they're coming from more of a Christian perspective, but didn't turn out to be a problem at all, so yay! They start reading about my life around 15:00. So, I guess if you ever wanted to hear another crazy ex-JW childhood sob story, now you can get mine all summed up for you...
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