It was reported that NO Kingdom Halls were damaged in Haiti. I just do not know how to paste the report here from the email that I just received.
Zone Overseer Brother Amor visited Haiti
by asilentone 5 Replies latest social current
I will check for your instructions later.
Totally wrong.
At least 5 are totally gone (3 in Port-au-Prince and 1 each in two other nearby cities).
What can't be determined yet is whether some of the older ones still standing can safely be used (like so many other buildings in Haiti).
However, the Branch office outside the city just had some minor damage. The Assembly hall outside the city is being used as a food distribution point.
This was information read at a Hatian (French) congregation here in South Florida last week. I'm not sure of the source (likely relatives of brothers) but more information is finally flowing out of Haiti and we have a very large Haitian community down here.
And of course it ended with the "Make contributions to the World Wide Preaching Work (not specifically for Haiti).
Rub a Dub
Wow, someone made that false report. I believe you Rubadub.
asilentone ...
In the interest of honest disclosure, my comments were based on what I was told by a friend I have known for a long time who also used to live close to NYC and moved here as I did to South Florida. He attends a Haitian congregation. We still keep in touch.
When I re-read what I earlier commented, I may have mixed some of the official comments made by the elder from the platform and those made by him privately mixed together. And possibly the term "totally gone" should be replaced by "severely damaged."
Now that I think about it, I will call him again and find out what was officially said and what was privately known by the elder through friends and family in Haiti.
In the interest of fairness, I almost wish to retract my earlier comment but I still think that overall the infomation is presented fairly based on the currently know facts.
Rub a Dub
there are 28 pictures posted at earthquake
Shows three halls ok, using as regional relief centres, relief convoy, taking out injured, etc