JWs in the Noughties

by hamilcarr 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • hamilcarr

    Everyone seems to be making decade lists about their favourite books, cds, films etc.

    What do you think are the most important, notorious, shocking, entertaining or unexpected WT articles of the last decade that anyone interested in JW'ism should have read?

  • teel

    Awake 2000 6/22: Propaganda

  • snowbird

    The 1995 "this generation" about-face, and the removal of "the Creator's promise ... 1914'' from the Awake! masthead.

    Even the AP picked up on this debacle!


  • No Apologies
    No Apologies

    The article from The Guardian exposing the Watchtower's connection with the UN.

    And of course the response published in the Watchtower explaining why they did it. Oh wait, they never did bring it up in any of their publications, most r&f JWs still know nothing about it.

    No Apologies

  • leec

    re: Awake 2000 6/22: Propaganda

    ... I'm surprised the word "unfortunate" is used.

  • slimboyfat

    The September 2007 Kingdom Ministry - described to me by a committed, loyal JW as "pure mind control".

    Plus the Youtube video of Gerrit Loesch telling Italian Witnesses that going to university is like shooting yourself in the head. Iconic because it represents the ability of new media to expose the most extreme Witness statements to a worldwide audience, and because it underlines the return to a hardline stance against higher education.


  • Mythbuster

    Why the hell did the audience clap when the guy asked if they would "recommend that other people imitate what the young man did?" The "young man" tried to kill himself. These people are insane.

  • slimboyfat
    Why the hell did the audience clap when the guy asked if they would "recommend that other people imitate what the young man did?"

    I think the talk was being delivered in different languages simultaneously and some were clapping another speaker who was at a slighly different part of the talk.

  • slimboyfat

    hamilcarr you never told us your selection.

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