I have been researching this herbal tea and it is suppose to detox the body and treat a variety of illness. Does ayone have any experience with this 4 herbal tea? Thans for any imput.
by megaflower 9 Replies latest jw friends
my friend used it, one of the ingrediants was very hard to get here unradiated and she used to have to get it brought over from ireland,(80's ish)
from vague memory of when i last looked it up the ingrediants varied from site to site, think there were 4 ingrediants in the one my friend got from her homeopath, and it could be made up in an amount to be drunk over the next few days,
it looked like pondwater, and judging from her face tasted like it.
although i'm not in contact with her i know shes still around. i think if you view it as a cleansing/detox potion as opposed to a 'cure' its all good.
Nathan Natas
I've heard of it but never used it (no reason to). It is most often used as an alternative cancer treatment. The name comes from "Caisse" spelled backwards, who was the person who developed the formula.
Here's a wikipedia link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Essiac
megaflower - I have the powdered form of the original tea recipe, though I've yet to make it up. It's not much of a "tea" the way we normally think of it...definitely not something you're going to want to sip on...more like shoot down as fast as you can and follow with something quickly to get rid of the taste.
My experience with it has to do with my father. He sadly died of brain cancer. A few months after he was diagnosed he was completely bed-ridden - unable to walk at all. He started taking essiac and within a few days was back on his feet walking for up to 30/45 minutes at a time. It really was amazing. It didn't cure his cancer, unfortunately, but there is no doubt in my mind that it gave him a few extra months of life worth living...who knows what might have happened had he started on it earlier.
I plan to take it occasionally as a cancer-preventative myself. I'm a wee bit paranoid about that particular disease... I'm not sure what else it is purported to be good for though. And of course, there are going to be a variety of opinions on it. I know it does something for cancer though, since I've seen it with my own eyes.
A votre sante!
A lot of people swear on this stuff. My Dad tried everything- the tea, chemo, surgery, etc... he thought he had cancer licked but it came back anyway. This tea might help a bit, but bottom line is... there is no cure for cancer.
Detoxification is a hoax. Read some chemistry, anatomy, and physiology that doesn't come from quacks and herbalists.
i apologise profusely daniel p for the careless use of the word detox in my stated rusty memory post, i should have probably said something like herbal drink instead.
I've used Essiac tea. It tastes like crap but I do believe that it has a detoxifying effect. Like anything, there are good stories and bad. I know a woman that I worked with who cured her breast cancer by using nothing more than Essiac, and another one who died because she only used Essiac tea and nothing else. Alot of it has to do with our makeup. What works for one person, may not work for another.
it can cause very large and long lasting errections.....or is that just me???
Nathan Natas
Oompa, were you using it as a massage ointment?