The Flat Earth Society still exists actually as several sites on the net,some run by loonies, some a bit tongue in cheek.
The actual Society was started in the early fifties by a strange guy who lived in Dover,Kent in the U.K. Wiki has his story if you want more.
What surprised me was that it survived for years despite the obvious evidence for how wrong its ideas were. The final tipping point came with the publication of photographs from space,showing a very sphere-like Earth. Of course members of the society contended that the photos were faked , or "misinterpreted" . But the Society fizzled out after that ,apart from a few die-hard nutters.
So, what will be the photograph from space for the WT ?
The one piece of evidence that means that only die-hard nutters will cling on ?
If we can find the equivalent of that photo from a spacecraft, the WT will fizzle out in no time, but what is it ?